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Home » Kelingking beach nusa penida

Kelingking beach nusa penida

kelingking beach nusa penida

This hidden beach is located in the village of Bunga Mekar, on the southwest coast of Nusa Penida Island, which can be accessed by boat for 40 to 50 minutes from Sanur. This unique formation resembles the shape of the head of a T-Rex, so Kelingking is often called the T-Rex Bay of Bali.

An extraordinary hidden beach framed by towering steep cliffs, deep turquoise waters embraced by fine white sand with the most stunning views like heaven on earth. The secluded beach itself descends a steep 400m cliff, but the view of Kelingking is arguably more popular than the beach itself.


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Kami adalah salah satu Biro jasa Tour Guide & Transport yang melayani perjalanan wisata di pulau Nusa Penida dan sudah beroperasi sejak tahun 2017.
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