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Home » Broken beach nusa penida

Broken beach nusa penida


broken beach nusa penida

Broken Beach is a beautiful beach formation on the southwest edge of Nusa Penida. You can watch the waves crashing from the Indian Ocean and, if you’re lucky, you can spot the silhouette of a giant manta near the surface of the deep blue water.

Broken Beach which is locally known as Pasih Uug Beach is one of the most beautiful and most visited destinations on Nusa Penida Island. Unique, serene and great views, which is a great place for travel photographers and panoramic view seekers.

Patah Beach (Pasih Uug) has a large natural pool, with a diameter of about one hundred meters, the result of sea abrasion and limestone hills that collapsed millions of years ago. This 98 meter diameter hole offers a unique and beautiful view. The magnificent view is like heaven on earth where in the middle of the cliff there is a circular hole and tunnel that penetrates directly into the sea, with stunning views of the sea and cliffs.


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Kami adalah salah satu Biro jasa Tour Guide & Transport yang melayani perjalanan wisata di pulau Nusa Penida dan sudah beroperasi sejak tahun 2017.
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